This summer I had the pleasure of
attending the Harlem Book Fair, the nation’s largest African American book
festival, whose aim is to honor and celebrate the rich literacy history of
black authors. Located between New York Public Library’s Countee Cullen library
auditorium and the Schomburg Center for
Research in Black Culture, thousands were in attendance to partake in
music, panel discussions, food and workshops. Since the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, Harlem has been known as a
major African-American cultural center, on the cutting edge of black life and
culture which was in full effect in this year’s offering.
Because rapping is essentially storytelling, the leap into writing
fiction which reflects on and mirrors both popular culture and contemporary African-American
thought and issues, was not a difficult one for Prodigy. Writers JaQuavis and
K’wan’s path to writing was more traditional-the former began writing stories
in grade school, and the later developed an interest in writing while employed
as a broker. These three authors share a determination to infuse a cultural
aesthetic into the urban-lit tales they create. As a group of writer under 40
years of age, they have drank deeply from the “keep-it-real” aesthetic of hip
hop culture but have also drawn strength from the collective experiences of
African-American writers to craft fiction that expresses our unique experiences.
K’wan and JaQuavis have become successful writers because they’ve developed a
narrative in their storytelling that rings true to their readers. K’wan’s Hood Rat series depicts the lives of
young women who sleep around to get what they want in life-the consequences of
which are drama filled. And JaQuavis’ most successful series, The Cartel, follows a group of high
profile drug dealing men and the women who love them. The street tales these
three authors write about continue to draw more and more fan who wait with
baited breathe for the next book in the series to be released.
Titles for further reading: